The Northern Gravel Adventure Riders Nz had arranged a 3-day ride over the Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend. I couldn’t make the full 3 days but had talked to Dean and Bev, another DR riding couple that live locally, about riding with the group as far down as Raglan.
So we joined the group and had a thoroughly good ride down the gravel roads through Limestone downs towards Raglan. On the approach to Raglan the group stopped to gather and the 3-day group headed further south. DR650 riding Dean, pillion Bev and another BMW riding lady rider called Sharon headed into Raglan and we had a very pleasant meal outside one of the roadside cafes.
After that we headed home. As a bonus to finish the day off I listened to the SuperBike TT race on ManxRadio365. John McGuiness once again proved himself King of the Mountain.
Thanks to Sue for the video of the first part of our ride.